Wednesday 20 July 2016

Even Angels Fall (Life)

Hey everyone,

It's me again, inspired by to start back writing.

Thank you :)

It's been seven long months since my last post and I would be glad to say nothing happened in those seven months and lived it to not only the best of my ability but enjoyed each and every day, each and every minute of being alive.

In March, I literally had the worst day of my life, it was the perfect trifecta.
I know, it's not comparable to millions of other people who have bad days every single day.
But it made me reprioritize life and I hope and pray I'm on a better path.

Firstly spent six painful hours with IT support to fix my work laptop only to be told that I have to get a new one two whole days later.
Next, walking miserable and tired back to my car, (a new car I fully paid for with the money I've sweated over to make for years) only to find no car, I got towed as it turns out, an expensive lesson to learn that I can't park on that particular spot of the road.
Finally, all on the same day this happened, after getting back my car, I took two and a half hours to reach home cause of an accident, traffic backed up for miles. I should've taken 20 minutes.

After this day, I spent the next lying down at home (an unexpected day off, cause I couldn't do any work without a laptop) and I just was so shattered I literally had no idea what to do with myself.
I had a mini life crisis a couple weeks later when everything came crashing down.
I didn't do anything crazy like harming myself or anyone etc etc. I eventually figured out to take a month off of work and I spent the month piecing together why I'm doing what I'm doing.
I am very attached to my amazon Kindle and I read two extremely insightful books in that time, Living Forward a proven plan to stop drifting and get the life you want and
The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying,  two fabulously life changing books and I really hope that when I look back on this year in ten years time, I can say this is where it all changed for me.

Today, I'm in a much better place, happier, more positive.

More in future posts about the life plan I've created and the progress and results.

In the meantime, here's the two links to check out those books.
Highly recommended!

Bye everyone, till next time!

It's on Sasha! Competition on blogging :)

Check out! You might learn a thing or two, or otherwise just be entertained :)

And i loove dogs! :)

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