Monday 25 July 2016

The Ashes of Eden (Life)

Hi everyone!

Well, today's post is a morbid one, all about death and the sad things in life. Although it would take several more posts to cover every single thing. This would just be a small take on it though.

Spoiler warning, stop reading now if you prefer light and fluffy things in life - (in true movie review style, although this is not a movie review)

The name of the post is a nod to the most recent single from Breaking Benjamin's Album Dark Before Dawn, Ashes of Eden - Breaking Benjamin

A well written album, lyrically strong but not as memorable as Phobia's hits The Diary of Jane, Breathe and Until The End. 

Anyway, this post is not about an album review though.

Funerals, sad affairs all, I've been to so many over the years, extended family members and family friends. The closest family member I've lost was my Aunt in 2011, wife of my mother's brother. I don't know at what point I've started to think, what is the best use of my time? What is the best use of the time that was given to me? What should I wile away my days on this earth doing? 

Looking on at the funerals I've attended over the years, being in the graveyard with the crowd saying farewell to the deceased, I always think of many things, has this person lived a good life? Have they achieved all they set out to achieve? Did they accomplish everything their heart yearned for? How many years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds I have left?

Knowing that I could die tonight while I sleep, tomorrow driving to work, the day after, and be in just the same position in the grave as the people who have passed before me. 
Morbid yes, at the same time we cannot and should not live in fear that the next minute is our last.

More questions than answers as always, what is the key to happiness?

I'll leave everyone with the mantra I live by now, 

What good shall I do today?

Ask yourself this question at the start of every day and the good deeds will line up for you and when you look back on the day, you will feel fulfilled. 

I also will leave you with the saddest picture of a dogs tears I've seen in my life. 


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