Sunday, 8 October 2017

Drippingly Gorgeous! (Magnum Pleasure Store Review)

A Day Without Pleasure Is A Day Lost

So, there I was on vacation in London and I was idly walking with my sister through Covent Garden one fine day, we stumbled across an Ice-cream shop, which was unusual in itself, so we went in to explore. Now, as a rule, ice-cream is meant for dessert, traditionally after lunch/ dinner, or a mid-evening snack or whatever. We thought about it for a minute or two because the time was around 11:15 and we had not had lunch as yet, what made us give in to the sweet lovely sinful temptation was that this particular shop was not easily accessible from a bus/ train or tube stop. It was some distance away and would mean a ten minute walk back to the shop since we had somewhere else to go as well as we needed to get lunch. 

Promotional Summary of the Magnum Pleasure Store (which I found online)

"Magnum ice cream, the brand synonymous with luxury and pleasure, has today opened the gates to a haven of chocolate and ice cream indulgence, with the opening of the 5th Magnum Pleasure Store in London’s stylish Seven Dials. The store has been designed by and launched by fashion guru Jeremy Scott, Creative Director of Moschino and is adorned with his MagnumX Moschino bag collection. Jeremy invites pleasure seekers to Dare to go Double with double-dipped, personalised Magnums with two layers of deliciously decadent chocolate, a luxurious layer of sauce and a selection of over 20 tempting toppings available exclusively in the heart of London’s shopping district.
The Magnum Pleasure Store will serve bespoke ice creams to visitors throughout the summer including one curated by Jeremy himself. Customers at the hotly anticipated summer pop up can enjoy a pleasure-packed experience at the dipping bar as well as at various events that will take place throughout the summer. Whether choosing a double or single dipped Magnum, customers will then be able to choose their own selection of tempting toppings, such as Black Lava Sea Salt and Blackberry Crunch, to sprinkle over the setting chocolate. Each individual creation will be perfected with a drizzle of chocolate and the finishing touch; a classic M coin decoration with prices starting from £5.50.
The Magnum Pleasure Store is decorated in bold Magnum X Moschino style. Magnum X Moshino is collaboration with Moschino Creative Director Jeremy Scott. They have teamed up with Magnum for the ‘Release the Beast’ campaign to celebrate Magnum Double, encouraging pleasure seekers to embrace and show off their wild side and live the Magnum ‘Dare to go Double’ attitude, just as visitors to the Magnum Pleasure Store will be invited to do.

When - 29th June - 10th September 2017
Sunday: 10am – 6pm
Monday/Tuesday/Wed: 10am – 7pm
Thursday: 10am – 10pm
Friday: 10am – 9pm
Saturday: 10am – 10pm

Where - 21-23 Earlham Street, Seven Dials, London, WC2H 9LL"

So as you can see we was very lucky to experience the wonderful (slightly expensive) sensation of creating my own ice-cream. Since this shop was only around for 74 days in the heights of the English Summer, it was a fortunate unexpected gorgeous experience. 

Stupidly and I've been kicking myself ever since, is that I totally forgot to take a video of the Magnum staff making the wonderful creation below. The naked magnum was dipped in a dark chocolate coating, then a combination of the following toppings chocolate fudge brownie, chocolate flakes and shaved dark chocolate, then drizzled with white chocolate with a chocolate Magnum coin as the final touch. I still cannot figure out how the coating managed to become so crunchy just a couple minutes after dipping. 

It was a foodie gastronomic delight! 

Not to mention the very first time in my life that I had dessert before my lunch! It was worth it though :)

Luckily there is always someone online with incredible videos which display the whole process. Have a look below. 

1 comment:

  1. Yummy in my tummy! You need to do a summary of all these goodies, so I can just map it out and go feast!
